Have you ever scrolled through the vast internet and saw a super cute picture, and then thought "How hard can this be"? Well let me tell you! A lot harder than it looks.
So we were a bit slow at the Squishy Faces flag ship store on Saturday. So we put Sophie through what can only be described as a Pinterest Failure in the picture world. We made the trip to the store to get a brand new box of Christmas lights. We got the treats out to try to make her pay attention to us. We had a couple of people come in wanting to know what we were all about. Then it was time!
We had her sit, we draped the lights around the pooch and she bolted - we got some super cute live action shots (or in normal terms blurry). She was over this would not even look at us and when she did all we got was stink eye. So like all good pet parents we tried again. They make it look so easy in pictures and again huge fail.
We then spent the rest of the Saturday in the store answering questions about leggings "no we do not sell them, no we don't know where you can buy them, yes we give them away".
But on the store front - we have 50 more custom pet lover hoodies coming today and tomorrow and even some new colors! We have some changes coming to the website that will make it much easier to shop!
If you have your own fail please share on our Facebook page, so we know we are not the only ones.
But just as an FYI - it is not good to try this on the cat :)