The absolute wish of dog parents is that their furry friends can be by their side forever. However, the average lifespan of a dog is 10 to 15 years. Thankfully, there are some ways we can help our beloved pup live their life to the fullest, most happily and healthily possible. Learn how you can make your dog happy and healthy.
Regular Exercise Keep Your Dog Healthy
Exercise is vital for the mental and physical health of your dog. It keeps your beloved pup active and fit. Regular exercise can help your dog maintain a healthy circulation, build up muscles and improve its digestive system. Besides, discovering new sceneries and smells and engaging games can be mentally stimulating for your dog!
A Balanced Diet Promote Your Dog’s Longevity
Providing your canines with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs is essential for preventing obesity and prolonging their lifespan. Sufficient fresh water is an important part of a balanced diet as well. While treats are dogs’ love, do keep track of the treats you offer, and replace them with healthy snacks as much as possible.
Routine Checkup Keeps Serious Illness at Bay
Staying updated with vaccinations and annual examinations provides the opportunity for your veterinarian to conduct health screens to spot any warning signs or early detection of diseases and serious illnesses. During yearly dental appointments, your veterinarian can help remove plaque buildup, perform checks for periodontal diseases and also share with you some oral care tips for your dog.
Preventive Measures Protects Your Dog
Dental chews and regular teeth brushing help prevent dental problems and periodontal diseases. Fleas and ticks can be annoying and pose potential health threats to our canines. Preventative medications can protect your dog from these unwanted health issues.
Love Keeps Your Dog Happy
Establishing a strong bond is beneficial for you and your furry companion. Belly rubs, coat brushing, or just snuggling together are ways are can shower your dog with love. Not only does this fortify the relationship with your dog, receiving love and affection can help them to gain confidence in having positive interactions with others.
Socialization Perks for Your Dog
Exposing your dogs to socialization can benefit them in many ways. Constant stress and anxiety may trigger an overproduction of stress hormones in our dogs, which can lead to a series of health problems such as kidney problems and high blood pressure. If your dog has the opportunity to interact with new people, places, and other dogs regularly, they would be accustomed to foreign environments, thus less stressed and scared. In addition, running and playing with their paw friends can be a good workout!
Safety Is Your Dog’s Best Policy
There are some safety measures we can practice to keep our beloved pups safe. Microchips and collars with ID tags can help to locate your dogs when they run a bit too far. When the seasons change, don’t forget to protect your canines from harsh winter or extreme heat. It is also very important to ensure that toxic substances are out of your curious canines’ reach.
With your unconditional love and attention, your furry companion would be by your side, in its fittest and happiest self, for many years to come!