This month has been amazing here at Squishy Faces! We have met so many new people! We did our very first AKC dog show and we partnered with Buddies Thru Bullies!
As you might or might not know, our goal is to partner with a different rescue each month and we donate a portion of sales to that rescue. It is a great partnership between all of us. It allows us to learn more about them and their challenges and it allows them to learn about us.
We are now going into our 4th month and things are moving right along. A lot of thing we might have done differently but all in all the staff here at Squishy Faces are very happy
I would like to make a big shout out to Jeep World! Please check out the all new Jeep World website for all of your jeep needs and also check out the Pet Page for SQUISHY FACES!! And Check out our custom Jeep dog shirt.