Happy Monday to all the Squishy Faces fans!
If you follow us on any of our social media pages, I am sure by now you have seen the picture of the Squishy and the Monster. I know most of you have no idea about the Monsters, but I wanted to share her story.
Her name is Autumn and she was hatched in the Monster Nursery on November 17th. Autumn Grace was hatched to help a very sick bulldog. All of the monsters hatched have a very grand purpose in their life, either to help a four-legged friend down on their luck or to help a child keep the scary things away.
Our friend, Rachel Robbins, runs the Monsters Nursery. She hatches (creates and crafts) these monsters for benefit auctions or to help a child in need at a local children's hospital. Each monster is unique in their background and their design. Autumn, the monster in the Squishy Faces store, has several loves.
In Autumn's words…
“I love being outdoors, arts and crafts, playing sports, and singing around the bonfire
Dancing and having snowball fights
My favorite story is Goldilocks and the 3 Bears
I can ice skate and run very fast
I love all animals, especially dogs
I like to bake all the time, Snickerdoodle cookies with blue and purple crayon sprinkles are the best
My favorite foods are chocolate, cream puffs, and pizza with burnt hot dogs and shredded melted soccer balls, hot apple cider, and pasta
Most of all, I love leggings, helping people, animals, laughing, and YOU!”
If you are ever in town and would like to stop in and see the store - please be sure to say an extra hello to Autumn. She has a very big job for a very little monster.