As we say goodbye to November, I would like to thank our rescue this month. If you have not checked them out yet, please stop what you are doing and go directly to their website this rescue has been helping bulldogs since 1995.
You might or might not know that Squishy Faces is kind of a baby in the market we are now going on our 4th month! So we learn a little with each rescue we partner with, we had no idea the types of conditions that some of these dogs are in when the are taken in by the rescue. Who knew the cost associated with getting a dog healthy so he/she could go to a forever home.
Even if you don't buy from us, please consider a donation or volunteer or offer your home to a foster pet. There is such a need that we had no idea about until we started this mission. Who can resist that toothy smile that they give you!
Who can resist that toothy smile that they give you!?!?
Thank you Lisa and your team for all you do, it was truly a pleasure to help you guys this month and we hope to do it again in 2017!