There are so many new things happening this year that it almost seems impossible to get it all in one blog post! Here is what is happening so far…
Let’s start off with our long awaited custom pug shirts…they have been ordered and should be here any day now! I know many of you have been anxiously waiting for these new shirts, and I am so glad to say that they will be on our site soon. We appreciate your patience, and we can assure you that they were definitely worth the wait. They are adorable!
The Valentine’s Day hooded tee’s were such a huge hit, that we decided to do hooded t-shirts full time! We have them coming in several different colors, featuring just the French Bulldog and English Bulldog for now. The fronts of these will not have the heart that our special edition ones had, but will go back to our typical bone. These should arrive today, and we hope to have them up for purchase by tomorrow evening! They are long-sleeve, so they are nice to wear in winter (underneath a Squishy Face hoodie, if you are going to be outside), but they are also lightweight enough to wear on their own in the spring time…which could not come soon enough!
Another new item that will be hitting our store this month is custom pet lover hats. The hats themselves are not new, and the design on them is one we all know and love, but the pairing of the two is something we have not done yet. We are going to have English Bulldog hats! We don’t have a specific time frame yet, so you will definitely want to watch our social media outlets for an update on when they arrive.
Some of you may have also noticed that we are sending out a coupon with our orders now. This coupon allows you to get $5 off of your next order just by helping us to spread the word! As most of you know, we are still a baby company (only 5 months old!) so as we look to grow, we need your help! Share a picture of you rocking your new Squishy Faces gear using the hashtag on your coupon card and we will send you your very own coupon code. Who doesn’t love to show off their new clothes every once in awhile?
If you haven’t already, follow us on snapchat. You get your daily fill of precious puppies, our fantastic volunteers, and you may even get the latest SF scoop before everyone else-we do have a very exciting Valentine’s Day announcement coming soon! Also, be sure to like us on Facebook and instagram, and follow us on Twitter! All names are listed below.
Snapchat: @shopsquishyface
Twitter: @shopsquishyface
Facebook: Squishy Faces
Instagram: @shopsquishyfaces